Lesson 2: History


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Lacto-fermented foods are nothing new… they have been around for thousands of years.

From recorded history we know of fermented foods being eaten at the time of the construction of the Great Wall of China. A variety of different fermented foods have been apart of many cultures throughout history.

Sauerkraut is a fermented food that we are very familiar with. When we think of sauerkraut we often think of the country of Germany. But actually sauerkraut was introduced to the Germans through the war campaigns of Genghis Khan. In fact he was one of the very first military leaders to understand that fermented foods instilled health. Allowing his soldiers to stay at higher levels of combat readiness. These fermented foods were carried by his war horses to supply his troops. In-turn the people that he conquered were taught to make these foods, which spread to other lands, becoming a part of their culture from then on.

James Cook, a British sea explorer, also understood the benefits of fermented foods. He discovered that these foods helped to prevent scurvy during long ocean voyages. He did not lose a single sailor to scurvy.

Many cultures eat fermented foods as part of their daily life.

  • Kimchi, a spicy sauerkraut, is eaten everyday by Koreans. This is such an important part of their culture to this day, that they even have special Kimchi Refrigerators to store their fermented spicy kraut in, keeping it at that perfect temperature.
  • In Japan, Miso, a type of fermented soy & rice, is eaten often, usually in the form of a soup.
  • Curtido is a fermented sauerkraut-type relish, common of Latin America, that is often eaten as condiment or side dish.

In America (US), fermented foods have been eaten since the founding of our country. From sauerkraut, to pickles, pickled condiments, etc. Most people had root cellars, allowing them to keep their fermented foods in a semi-refrigerated state between growing seasons.

People of different cultures found that fermented foods could not only keep the body healthy, but also offered protection from disease as well.

Key benefits of fermented foods:

  • Enrichment of the diet.
  • Preservation of foods.
  • Enhancement of nutrition.
  • Elimination of anti-nutrients.

Continue to Lesson 3 – Science & Health —>

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