We have all heard the saying, "use the right tool for the right job!"Sourdough baking like anything else uses tools. Understanding these tools can help make your baking easier and give you better results. I wanted to cover some of these tools, what my recommendations are and which tools you need start and the ones you can acquire later. Sourdough Tools Having a batch go bad is possible, but very rare. We’ve been fermenting and teaching others how to ferment vegetables for years… and we’ve only had a couple of “bad” batches over all that time.
As you can see there is not really a large number of specialty items needed for sourdough baking. This allows you to start with what you have and still make some great sourdough food items and grow in your ability to produce different breads as you pick up more specialty items over time. Continue to Lesson 6 – Sourdough Pancakes —>