Sourdough Baking: Made Easy eCourse

Welcome to Sourdough Baking: Made Easy! We hope you enjoy this course. The course is broken up into 10 lessons; with each lesson being stand-alone and lasting 10 minutes long (or less) so that you can view them in your free time, as you wish. We DO recommend that you follow them in-order though, so as to not miss out on anything.

Documentation is included for the lessons in PDF format, so that you may view or print out as you need (a link is included at the bottom of this page as well as in each lesson).

If you have questions along the the way, please see the FAQs Support Page. Well, without further ado… enjoy the course.

Let’s get started!

Lesson Menu

Lesson Documentation (PDFs)
FAQs Support Page


eCourse Account


Get Started with Sourdough Kit

Sourdough Starter

Sourdough Baking Supplies
available at


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