Did you know there are amazing foods that you can eat today that can make a difference in your life. I know that is a big sounding statement that kinda sounds sales like, but what if it is actually true. Would you make a change to gain a longer life, lose weight, help your skin look better, have more energy, and just feel overall better?
Sounds like a done deal, no choice. Yet I constantly meet people who refuse to eat these amazing foods, even just a little. What are they? I bet you are asking. How about fruits and vegetables! Yes, regular fruits and vegetables that you find everyday at the local market. They may not sound that exciting because you have seen them since you were a kid, but that does not lessen their great benefits. Let me share with you what I have experienced since bringing my fruit and vegetable levels up to just 40-50% of my daily food intake. I am nowhere near eating 100% fruit and vegetables, so this is not a diet of some kind.
My energy has risen even higher than it was already and I am increasing my workouts in length and intensity. A few pounds have flown away and my skin has seemed to brighten. Now don’t get me wrong I was not eating a bad diet before, and I did eat fruit and vegetables daily, just not at these increased levels. Will I keep this level up? We will see, I am just trying it for a few weeks to see how it works with my life. I have shared below a list of these common fruits and vegetables along with some of the great benefits they can give.
Eating Fruits Daily Gives Health Benefits
Throughout history fruit has been seen as a good source of vitamins and minerals. Fruit is often rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, potassium, fiber, folic acid, along with a nice sprinkling of B vitamins. Studies have shown that people who include fruit in their diet have a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Even the USDA is on board with their MyPlate recommendations suggesting that half of your plate be fruits and vegetables for a healthy diet.
If you notice fruit is perfect for snacks! It comes most of the time in single serving sizes that are naturally wrapped and ready for transport. Just keep in mind those big watermelons are not really single servings. 😉
Strawberries – have a big punch of vitamin C, not to mention they are an great source of folic acid that helps protect the heart. Also did you know they are a natural teeth whitener? Just bite a strawberry in half and rub the remaining half over your teeth for about 30 to 60 seconds, rinse and overtime you will notice your teeth getting whiter.
Bananas – make the perfect snack food. Being a “healthy” carb they will help fill you up while boosting your metabolism. Bananas are also loaded with potassium, which can lower blood pressure while slowing digestion. Want a natural way to help neutralize the acidity of gastric juices when you are under stress? Have a banana to help keep ulcers at bay all while giving your gut the fiber it wants to help it stay regular.
Kiwi – is another fruit that helps the the digestive tract. Here is a neat benefit of eating kiwi a couple times a week. It was found that children who had Asthma and ate kiwi noticed less issues with attacks and in the kids that ate kiwi and citrus 5-7 times a week it cut severe attacks by 41%. Another study, which had 41 people that had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) eat two kiwis daily for six weeks showed that a reduction in symptoms was experienced when compared with the group that did not eat Kiwi.
Oranges – are high in vitamin C which helps to boost the immune system. A single orange has over 170 different phytonutrients and 60+ flavonoids which are anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and display strong antioxidant affects. Oranges have also been shown to be effective against many different types of cancers. Take one to work today as a snack.
Watermelon – is super on a hot summer day and is an excellent source of lycopene, with more than 6.5mg in less than a half cup of the fruit. Lycopene is one of the most powerful carotenoids and studies have shown it helps to reduce stroke risk factors in older men by up to 55% percent.
Eating Vegetables Daily Gives Health Benefits
Vegetables are those wonderful foods that most people tend to try and avoid, but did you know that eating them is one of the easiest ways to improve your health. A vegetable rich diet can help to protect you from arthritis, heart disease, stroke, dementia, cancer, and even keep you looking younger longer. Here is a neat result of a study on vegetables. People who eat seven or more helpings of vegetables and fruits a day have a 42% less chance of dying from any cause, compared to people who eat less than 1 helping daily. That sounds like a good reason to eat vegetables. Vegetables are also great forms of fiber which helps to keep the colon clean and regular.
Asparagus – contains good amounts of vitamin K, folate, copper. Research shows that this B vitamin helps keep blood pressure normal. Asparagus like most vegetables helps to support colon health by being a great source of fiber. Don’t forget it is a great source of B vitamins which help to regulate blood sugar levels. Asparagus also has anti-cancer benefits.
Spinach – is a green that is mild to taste and delivers healthy amounts of vitamin C, A, and K as well as manganese. Eating 1.5 cups of spinach daily can help lower your chances of getting type 2 diabetes. Like most vegetables spinach is a great anti-inflammatory agent. A recent study found that spinach provided significant protection against the occurrence of aggressive prostate cancer. But don’t be like Popeye who ate his spinach from a can, get fresh raw spinach.
Baby Kale – mature kale does have a strong flavor that not everybody appreciates, but checkout some baby kale whose leaves are tender and sweeter tasting. Kale is often referred to as the ultimate super food as it is packed with nutrients like vitamin C, beta-carotene, and vitamin K to help build strong bones. Kale provides cardiovascular support by its cholesterol lowering ability. Baby kale leaves are great mixed in with your salad greens.
Broccoli – yes I had to mention this one. Even though many kids try to run from it, it contains many great properties that rank it as a top vegetable. Broccoli contains natural plant chemicals shown to help lower the risk of some cancers. It is rich in vitamin C and K. More than 300 studies have been done on broccoli and shown its power to help keep the development of cancer at bay. Add to this its great anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and it is easy to see why this is one of the top vegetables for health.
Carrots – are rich in vitamin A and are rich in antioxidants. Many studies have been done on the cardiovascular benefits of carrots. One study done in the Netherlands over 10 years showed that people who ate 1/4 cup of carrots daily had a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease. The benefits went up if even more carrots were eaten. I guess Bugs Bunny had it right to always be munching on a carrot.
Fermented Vegetables
Making lacto-fermented vegetables is a great way to take your vegetables to a new level. Lacto-fermenting vegetables can help you bring more vegetables into your daily diet in an easier way.
1. Fermenting vegetables unlocks the nutrition contained in the vegetables cells better than chewing alone.
2. Fermenting vegetables increases the count of healthful enzymes and probiotics.
3. Fermenting vegetables helps to make the vegetables taste “cooked”, even though they are still raw.
4. Fermenting vegetables are easier to get kids to eat than raw plain vegetables.

Finding A Balance Of Fruits And Vegetables
I only mentioned just a few fruits and vegetables. These are common ones that are easy to find and are not expensive. Try some of these and you may just love the taste and enjoy the benefits.
Let me give you some advice when starting to bring fruits and vegetables into your diet. Start small! Pick just one vegetable to introduce into your weekly diet first. After you have made it a part of your normal eating pattern then pick another. This may seem like a slow way to go, but it is the slow and steady that wins the race. Just ask Mr. Turtle! 🙂
Getting fruits into your diet is usually not that much trouble. Do balance them with vegetables in your daily menu so all that sugar does not end up in one place.
Have a favorite fruit or vegetable? Share with us by leaving a comment below.
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