Beware Of The Organic Couch Potato!

With all we are doing this year to make changes in our lives, thought I would share something that came to me the other day. Lots of people are jumping on the “eat right” health trend, they are online reading all they can to understand how they can achieve that new healthy lifestyle they want. But let me give you a word of caution; don’t become an organic couch potato!

We are bodies of motion and we have to be moving in order to help keep healthy. Eating all the best foods in the world and not changing the old habits of non-activity will not do a whole lot for your health. Yes, you will get some benefit from eating better. But the real payoff will happen when it is combined with some form of exercise. Now we are not an exercise/fitness website so I am not going to run down that road, so to speak. 🙂  Still I just wanted to bring up the subject.

I believe in small steps first, so just parking in the back of the lot and walking that extra distance to the store will be something new and it is a start. When you can get outside take a walk with the dog, kids, or mate (maybe not in that order), but you get the picture. They will thank you for the time and attention too.

So keep in mind we are bodies of motion and healthy changes don’t focus just on food. A potato by any name is still a potato.

Enough said, have a great day. 🙂

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About Jeff

Jeff Pearce is a board certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant and has coached hundreds of people in the Dallas/Fort Worth to help them achieve their health goals. If you would like more information about his services view the Health Consultations section. For those not in the physical area Distance Coaching is an option. A 15 minute "No Cost" informational consult is available, by phone, to chat and answer questions about services. To schedule your no cost informational consultation please contact us .


  1. Kelley Stone Williams via Facebook says

    Thank you. I needed to read this today – I’ve been thinking about it a LOT lately! I’ve done so much researching the past 2 years on how to change our diets and help my daughter’s Asperger’s. Just the other day I was thinking…you know….I know how to do this now. No, I don’t know everything, but it’s OK if I miss a great tip here and there because we’re actually out DOING something!! 🙂


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