Blueberry Buckle Yogurt *

My kids love yogurt prepared this way…it is a yummy treat any time of the day!

  • 1 serving plain, whole milk yogurt
  • generous dash, ground cinnamon
  • small sprinkle, ground nutmeg
  • few drops liquid Stevia, to taste
  • couple pinches, golden flax seeds
  • small handful, fresh blueberries

Mix all ingredients together in small bowl until thoroughly combined. Serve immediately…enjoy!

Tip: While you are getting all the rest of the ingredients together, you can soak the flax seeds in just enough boiling water to cover…only a few drops really. This will softened the flax seeds and make them slightly chewy in your yogurt…this is the way I prefer them. And it only takes a few seconds, by the time you have all the other ingredients in your bowl they will be ready.

Makes 1 serving.


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