Heart Attacks, Probiotics, Fermented Foods and Cholesterol!

Who would have thought you might be able to eat your way out of a heart attack! Guess that adds a new idea of "eat your heart out." Lets look at some facts and then get into the great news! Cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer of men and women in America, and over 831,000 people die of cardiovascular disease each year in … [Read more...]

Pork, Sauerkraut & The Emergency Room?

On the way home from teaching lacto-fermenting to Clients, I usually pass by a certain barbeque restaurant that is very popular with the locals. It is interesting to note that I have seen an ambulance with lights flashing parked out front more than a few times. Now to be fair I pass by lots of different restaurants, but it … [Read more...]

Top 5 Benefits of Fermented Foods

Ever wondered about the great benefits of lacto-fermented foods and sourdough products? Maybe match up what you are interested in with the food that derives the benefits? To help you decide, here is a list of different topics with the associated benefits. The benefits are followed by if this is something that … [Read more...]

Ebola Truth – Battle Won?

With all the news about Ebola being negative I wanted to share with you some triumphs and the truths behind how they overcame it. How does this apply to us when the news in the US is still trying to scare the *$#% out of us? After all, when you understand the truth about certain things you can gain freedom, and that is a … [Read more...]

8 Foods That Boost Your Immune System

Giving the body its super human ability to stop virus attacks is not something you will see made into a TV series. Although, maybe, I can see it... Avocado man defeats evil processed chips... well maybe it won't make it to TV. Great thing is you can affect your immune system by what you eat. I have the proof... Grandma … [Read more...]

Cooking God's Way - www.cookinggodsway.com