Do You Want A Healthy Change? Start the Easy Way!

Wow!!! Can you believe another year is finished? Are you where you want to be in your healthy lifestyle? Well if you want to make changes this is a great time to start. With the start of a new year many make New Year’s resolutions. Do you want to make this year YOUR year of change? Or make a change for your family?

Ok, good let’s get started! First look at what your diet and health has been life for the last 12 months. Before you can make any changes you need to find out where you are and answer some tough questions. Get out some paper and pen or just download these questions, in a few months you can look back at your answers to see the changes.

10 Questions to Help You with Your Health Goals

1. Do you feel healthy? Rate your overall healthy level on a scale from 1-10. How is your energy level, are you tired most of the time?

2. Do you like the way you look in your clothes? Want to lose some weight?

3. Is your skin an even tone or blotchy? Do you have breakouts often?

4. Do you take vitamins? Do you take more drugs than you’d like, (prescription or over the counter)?

5. Where do you or your family eat most meals? Home or Out. Are your meals whole, fresh foods or fast food, boxed instant?

6. Do you understand food and make wise food choices? Do you wish healthy eating easier to understand?

7. When you eat do you feel that you don’t get full, even though you have eaten enough?

8. Do you crave sweets often? Do you feel meals would not be good without bread?

9. How active are you? Would you like to accomplish more in your day?

10. Do you have a goal you want to achieve, but your health has kept you from reaching it?

I know some of these questions maybe hard to answer, but do the best you can. Decide what you really want to achieve for your health over the next month and also over the course of the year. Goals can’t be reached if you don’t have them recorded.

Pick three of the questions above and make them into goals. Let’s take question 5 as an example. Where do you eat most of your meals, (home or out)? Are your meals whole, fresh foods or fast food, boxed instant?

A good goal if you found you eat many processed or boxed foods would be to resolve to make 2 main meals from scratch each week as a start. Or if you eat our too often, make it a goal to eat at home more. Remember, you did not start eating the way you are yesterday, so it is not going to get all straightened out overnight. But if you make one change today and keep with it, you are closer to your goal than you were.

Cooking God’s Way is not going to just leave it there. We are going to help you in your goals by offering sound advice and some unique help that comes from counseling tens of scores of others. We will be writing about how you can step into your goals and make then achievable. Keep up with the articles and send a link to a friend that you know wants to make a change. Don’t forget to sign up with the email list to stay current on what is published on Cooking God’s Way. (Sign-up is at the top of the column to the right.)

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Disclaimer: The information in this post is meant for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.

About Jeff

Jeff Pearce is a board certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant and has coached hundreds of people in the Dallas/Fort Worth to help them achieve their health goals. If you would like more information about his services view the Health Consultations section. For those not in the physical area Distance Coaching is an option. A 15 minute "No Cost" informational consult is available, by phone, to chat and answer questions about services. To schedule your no cost informational consultation please contact us .


  1. Meg, that is so great to hear that you are going for it again. We all fall off the wagon sometime or another.

    Coming up shortly we are going to announce somethings on the web site that can help everyone in their health goals. It is so important to have others support us and encourage us…

  2. Meg Logan via Facebook says

    I’m kicking sugar to the curb (AGAIN). january 1st ALL refined wheat and sugar products are kicked out of the house. Then i am going to really focus hard on soaking my grains again… I fell off the healthy food regimen last August when I got terribly ill with morning sickness… time to get back to basics and good eating!

  3. Thanks for this post. Your questions are a great way to analyze where I am. I am healthier now than at this time last year, but I’ve slipped in the past couple of months. I like the idea of taking three of those questions and make the changes necessary to live better. Thanks again!

    • Kathryn, awesome to hear that you are moving forward. We have been involved in nutrition in some way or shape for many years and we are still making changes in our lives. This is a lifestyle that keeps changing as we age and learn more. Glad to see you on the road. 🙂


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