Homemade Mayonnaise *

Homemade mayonnaise is quite easy to make and tastes delicious! I like to make mine in the food processor, it is extra easy that way and you will have homemade mayo in no time. So why buy the chemically adulterated mayonnaise at the store, when you can make your own using healthy unrefined oils and farm-fresh eggs. Commercial mayo doesn’t have much of anything going for it nutritionally. While on the other hand, the homemade mayo has live enzymes, good fats, and proteins. So which mayonnaise do you choose? I know what I choose πŸ™‚

The “healthy” homemade kind, of course!

If you are new to homemade mayonnaise I suggest using more sunflower oil than the other oils. This will give the closest to store-bought flavor, allowing you and other family members to adjust to the new taste. (For example: 1 cup sunflower oil + 1/4 cup coconut oil +1/4 cup olive oil.) As you get used to this “new taste” you can gradually reduce the sunflower oil, increasing the olive oil/coconut oils to compensate.

4.7 from 3 reviews
Easy Homemade Mayonnaise
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Making your own mayonnaise is so easy with a food processor! Not to mention it's healthier for you than store bought and can be preserved so it lasts longer by using a simple lacto-fermentation technique.
Serves: 2 cups
  • 1 egg yolk (farm fresh is best, at room temperature)
  • 1 whole egg (farm fresh is best, at room temperature)
  • 2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1½ teaspoons unrefined sea salt
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons raw honey, maple syrup, or rapadura / sucanat OR 5 to 10 drops Now Foods Organic Liquid Stevia (*use only stevia on sugar-free diet*)
  • pinch paprika, optional
  • pinch garlic powder, optional
  • 1½ cups extra-virgin olive oil, virgin coconut oil*, or sesame oil OR expeller-pressed sunflower oil (a combination of oils gives the best flavor, experiment for yourself~)
  • 1 Tablespoon Whey (optional - but makes for longer lasting mayo...see how to obtain whey)
  1. Add the egg yolk, whole egg, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, sea salt, paprika and garlic powder (if using), and honey (or other sweetener) to a food processor. Pulse a few times to incorporate.
  2. Turn on the processor and begin adding oil drop by drop while the machine is running. (It is very important to add the oil very slowly in the beginning in order to create an emulsion.) Once and emulsion is formed, you may continue adding oil in a slow steady stream; continuing until all of the oil is incorporated. Taste and adjust seasonings as desired.
  3. Transfer mayonnaise to a glass jar and store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. If you wish your mayo to last longer, see the note below.
*for sugar-free diets use stevia*
For Longer Lasting Mayo: Mix 1 Tbsp. Whey* into mayonnaise after it is processed. Transfer to jar, cover with lid, and allow to set at room temperature for 4 to 8 hours. Afterward, transfer to the refrigerator, where it will keep for up to 1 month. --See How to Obtain Whey--
~If you are new to homemade mayonnaise I suggest using more sunflower oil than the other oils. This will give the closest to store-bought flavor, allowing you and other family members to adjust to the new taste. (For example: 1 cup sunflower oil + ¼ cup coconut oil +1/4 cup olive oil.) As you get used to this "new taste" you can gradually reduce the sunflower oil, increasing the olive oil/coconut oils to compensate.
Since coconut oil solidifies under 76F, using ALL coconut oil in this recipe will cause the mayo to solidify in the fridge. The mayo will still be good, but will need to brought up to room temp before becoming spreadable again. If you want to keep the mayo spreadable straight from the fridge, use a combination of the above oils. (Makes 1½ to 2 cups mayonnaise.)


*Sugar-Free / Grain-Free

If you do not have a food processor, but have an immersion blender, you can still make homemade mayonnaise. Try this recipe from Katie @Kitchen Stewardship.

Raw Eggs and Salmonella: According to Dr. Mercola, the risk of contracting salmonella from raw eggs is not likely. Only 1 in 30,000 eggs are found to be contaminated, and salmonella infection is usually only present in traditionally raised commercial hens (which are typically pumped with antibiotics, disease-ridden, and raised in unnatural confined conditions). This is why it is important to know where your eggs are coming from…. so avoid commercial eggs and buy organic, free-range/farm fresh eggs. Farm Fresh eggs from pastured hens are better for you too in that they’re higher in omega-3s, vitamins A, B12, and E and lower in fat and cholesterol.

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Disclaimer: The information in this post is meant for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.


  1. WOW! I’d thought of stevia, but hadn’t ever thought of using coconut oil in mayo! What a great idea! I can’t wait to try your recipe! I’ve only ever used one whole egg in mayo before. I’ll one up you here, though – TRY USING SOME AVOCADO OIL! You’ll be AMAZED at how CREAMY your mayo comes out! πŸ™‚

    Thanks so much!

    • Sue, thanks for stopping by and thanks for the comment. Avocado oil is definitely another great oil to use when making homemade mayonnaise! I’ve used it several times myself recently (guess I should update the recipe to include it as a choice πŸ™‚ ).

  2. Hello Shannon,
    I just found your recipe online and I’m working up the courage to make it. I don’t know why mayo seems so intimidating. Anyhow, I do not like the taste of coconut oil but I want my mayo to be a bit thicker. What ratio of coconut oil to olive oil would you recommend. I was thinking 1/3 coconut oil to 2/3 olive oil.

    • Kate, you would have to play with the ratios of oils and see how it comes out for you. Virgin Coconut Oil is actually very light in taste. Maybe you should try a different brand? In the recipe I suggest using some expeller-pressed sunflower oil if you’re new to making homemade mayo. You could also use avocado oil in the mayo and that would be very tasty and healthy as well. Keep in mind that Olive Oil is very strong in taste and most do not prefer that flavor to dominate their mayonnaise.

  3. Does using the whey change the flavor of the mayo?

  4. Hi! I love this recipe! I have made it twice now. Just dropping by to say what a great recipe it is! I keep everything the same except for the garlic powder and paprika. Tastes oh so yummy.

  5. Question…if I don’t the vinegar all together would I increase the amount of lemon juice?

    • Dana, thanks for writing. Yes I would probably increase the amount of lemon juice a little if not using the vinegar. Just taste it and see what you like.

  6. Mayo is also great for making hair strong and shiny.

  7. Hi! I’ve been wanting to try this recipe for some time now. I compared several recipes and this one seemed to be what we’d like. I used only organic sunflower oil, no garlic powder, no paprika, 1 tsp salt, and organic agave instead of honey or other sweetener, and it came out great!! Tastes simar to Hellmans. Yum!

  8. Hi,
    Would Xylitol work in place of the stevia? I can’t get past the after taste I get from stevia.

  9. Hi, can I use lime instead of lemon?
    We don’t have lemons in my country! πŸ™

    • Laura, yes you could use lime in-place of the lemon. I’m not sure how it would taste though, it could actually taste quite good. You would have to try it. Some other suggestions would be to increase the vinegar and omit the lemon/lime all together. The lemon is used mainly for taste. So experiment and see what works, tastes good, to you. And please let us know how it turns out πŸ™‚

  10. Kathy LeClair says

    Why does adding the whey allow you to safely leave an egg product at room temperature for all that time and then last a month longer in the fridge?

    • Kathy, Good question. Keep in mind the rules are different for fermented foods vs. store purchased foods. Store purchased foods are processed to last the time of transport, sitting on the shelf, and sitting in your home before use. This time can be a long time. These type of foods do not self-preserve. Fermented foods main purpose is to give live nutrition and these foods are self-preserving. The lacto-bacilli that ferment the food also protect it from harmful bacteria. This concept is so different from store bought foods that I would suggest you read more to understand it better. http://www.cookinggodsway.com/lacto-fermentation-ten-biggest-questions-answered/

  11. Which does it taste more like; Hellman’s or Miricle Whip?

    • Lisa,if you use the optional paprika and garlic powder it tastes more like Miracle Whip. But if you leave those spices out then it tastes very much like Hellman’s. (Well as close as they can taste without using artificial preservatives and colorings πŸ˜€ )

  12. Shannon, this is the best recipe. That’s why I include a link to it on my blog. Thanks so much for sharing!! Blessings to you, Kelly


    • Hi, if you are asking if your homemade mayo will be like a commercial product, it will be different. Commercial products have thickening and stablizersagents added, so yours that is homemade maybe somewhat thinner.

  14. I would like to try to make this using part coconut oil. The recipe says to add the oil(s) one drop at a time to create emulsion….coconut oil is solid. How do you add one drop at a time? I assume you have to heat/melt it.. then let it cool til it’s more like room temp. Is this the right idea? The recipe doesn’t mention this ‘step’ so I’m just guessing. I don’t want to mess it up and waste my oils.. can someone fill me in on this part. Thanks.

    • Yes Louise, if the coconut oil is in its solid state you must melt it. Just melt it gently over low heat and make sure it is cool before adding to the food processor.

      Also note when you use all coconut oil in the mayonnaise it will be quite firm (solid) in the fridge. This is fine, just that you will need to leave the mayo out at room temp a little before using for it to become spreadable. This is why I usually use a combination of oils, so I do not have to wait for the mayo to warm up (become spreadable).

  15. Hi
    My concern is using raw eggs

  16. Hi Shannon!

    I have a large family and try to make just about everything from scratch. I also look for bulk foods through co-ops. Could you recommend a source for buying organic cold-pressed sesame oil in bulk please. If you have any suggestions for bulk stevia powder that would be great too! Thanks!


  17. Hi Shannon! I made this mayo yesterday and am very pleased with how it turned out! Thanks for the wonderful recipe! However, since I used coconut oil the mayo solidified when I put it in the fridge. What did I do wrong or what should I do differently?

    • Gretchen, you didn’t do anything wrong. Since coconut oil solidifies when the temp is under 76F, the mayo itself will solidify as well when placed in the fridge. (I will add a note about this to the recipe.)
      It’s not very convenient, but you can always set the mayo out on the counter before you want to use it to let it soften up a bit first. Next time maybe try using a combination of oils, that is what I do. I tend to use 1/3 extra-virgin olive oil, 1/3 virgin coconut oil, and 1/3 sesame oil (not toasted sesame oil) or sunflower oil. Using a combination of the oils will allow the mayo to stay spreadable straight from the fridge.

  18. I keep forgetting to try this! I have wanted to make my own mayo for some time now.

    • Hi Wendy!

      Thanks for dropping by. It’s not hard to do, just need a steady hand with the oil. After that it’s just adjusting to ones own personal tastes. I know I have tried many times at making mayo, to get the flavor just right for our family. This one was finally it for us.

      Give it a try, it’s kind of fun to experiment with. πŸ™‚

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