Lacto-fermentation Still Here, Look!

Thank You! The response to our new book Lacto-Fermentation: The Easy & Healthy Way has been great. We are so glad that people are finding this book to be a great new resource in their kitchen. If you did not get a chance to share in the sale that ran last week hope is not gone. You can still get a nice savings as we are offering the book at a reduced price through the weekend. To see the great price go look at the book.

Lacto-fermenting eCourse

Here is what is being said about the book already.

Mine already came in the mail. I found new ideas to try besides “sauerkraut” and can’t wait to work them in to our menus. I can already tell that I will need to order another airlock kit or two. If you are thinking about adding fermented foods to your diet but have been afraid, get this book and kit. Shannon addressed all my fears in the book. – T.T

I love your is concise and to the point.. – J.R.

My questions were answered. I can see that lactofermenting will be fun. Thanks for writing the book. – B.H.

I orderd mine last night…..I’m really excited – M.O.

This is the time of year when lacto-fermenting is at its best. All the fresh vegetables to try and enjoy. Do remember this is not all about taste, lacto-fermenting really turns up the probiotic count in foods so they become super-charged with health.

Don’t forget to checkout the special we are offering on the book along with the lacto-fermentation system!

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Disclaimer: The information in this post is meant for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.

About Jeff

Jeff Pearce is a board certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant and has coached hundreds of people in the Dallas/Fort Worth to help them achieve their health goals. If you would like more information about his services view the Health Consultations section. For those not in the physical area Distance Coaching is an option. A 15 minute "No Cost" informational consult is available, by phone, to chat and answer questions about services. To schedule your no cost informational consultation please contact us .

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