Light & Crispy Apple Chips *

Apple Chips are a great snack anytime of the day. These yummy apple chips are light, crispy, and naturally sweet….they are sure to satisfy that sweet craving and will nourish your body as well. So when you want something sweet, don’t snack on sugar-filled foods…eat these instead 🙂

Kids love this crunchy-sweet treat!

  • 2 or 3 granny smith apples
  • juice of 1/2 a lemon
  • 1 cup filtered water
  • ground cinnamon, optional

You will also need:

Mandoline Slicer
– apple corer
– bowl
– food dehydrator OR oven set at 160F to 170F along with baking sheets lined with parchment paper
– fine-mesh sieve or sifter, optional (for cinnamon topping)

In a large bowl, combine lemon juice and water; set aside.

Wash and dry apples. Remove core using an apple corer.

Slice apples cross-wise using a mandoline set at 1/8-inch (3mm).

Immediately place apple slices into lemon water to keep from turning brown.

Shake off excess lemon-water from each apple slice as you place onto food dehydrator trays (or parchment-lined baking sheets if using oven).

If desired, lightly “sift” some ground cinnamon over top of each slice by using a small fine-mesh sieve.

Dry in food dehydrator set at 135F for 6 to 8 hours OR in oven set on lowest setting (160F to 170F) for about 2-1/2 hours or more depending on size.

Apples will crisp up slightly as they cool. So watch them carefully.

Note: If using oven, flip apple slices occasionally during baking, as they will tend to stick otherwise.

Amount Varies.

* Sugar-Free / Grain-Free

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  1. Sandy Duke says

    I have been making apple chips for years. I also use a mandoline slicer at 1/16 inch. As I am slicing them, I immediately put them on the dehydrator tray – under the dehydrator (I have the type that dries from the top). I do not soak them and they don’t get brown. I dehydrate them for 12 hours at 135 degrees. They are very thin and crisp. My favorite apple is the HoneyCrisp. My granddaughter feeds them to her rabbits.

  2. how do i make, keep and maintain my dried apples crispy.

    • Bernice, when we make apple chips they usually don’t last very long… as in everyone loves them so much we eat them up too fast 🙂 But if you’re looking for longer term storage I would suggest putting them in a tightly sealed jar with a couple of silica gel desiccant packets to absorb any moisture.

      Thanks for writing and let us know how they turn out! 🙂

  3. I never thought about using a mandolin to slice apples for my food dehydrator, –an awesome idea!
    My dogs just love the dehydrated apple chips, especially if they are over dried and very crunchy.

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