Make Lacto-fermentation Easy with our Air-lock Kit!

The Original Veggie Fermenter™ from Cooking God’s Way

Using our economical air-lock system when making lacto-fermented foods has a number of benefits. Here are a few…

  • Better tasting ferments!
  • Air-tight seal!
  • Reduces mold on top of ferments! (less scraping fuzz away)
  • Releases pressure/gas naturally (no fear of jar exploding)!
  • Simple to use!

The Original Veggie Fermenter™ from Cooking God’s Way is 100% air-tight, ensuring proper anaerobic fermentation!

Why Our Lacto-fermentation Air-lock System is an economical and quality choice…

  • 1-Year Limited WarrantyWorks with any sized Wide-Mouth glass mason-type “canning” jar, such as Ball or Kerr!
  • Fermented foods can be stored in the same jar (no need to transfer to another container)!
  • Our lids are BPA free!
  • FDA-pharmaceutical  grade gaskets – for an air-tight seal.
  • Easy to clean!
Make healthy, delicious lacto-fermented recipes like: Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Hummus and “Deli-Style” Pickle Spears


The Original Veggie Fermenter Lacto-fermentation Air-lock System for Wide-mouth Mason Jars

Our Kit Includes:

  • 2 air-lock tubes (3 piece system)
  • 2 BPA-free plastic lids w/ food-safe grommets
  • 2 solid BPA-free storage lids
  • 2 FDA- pharmaceutical  grade gaskets (for air-tight seal)
  • Illustrated instructions for assembly and use
  • BONUS Lacto-fermentation Recipe (not on website)
Go ahead… Order your Original Veggie Fermenter™ TODAY!

*Jar(s) not included… you must supply your own wide-mouth glass Mason-type canning jar(s), Ball®, Kerr® etc.

Looking for a gift for that friend or family member? See our specially packaged Starter Kit.

$17.95 plus shipping
Reg Price: $29.95
Buy Now

Don’t forget the Lacto-fermentation Weights!

Please Note: This post may contain sponsor, affiliate, and/or referral links.

Disclaimer: The information in this post is meant for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.


  1. Stephanie says

    Do these lids create a truly anaerobic environment? I read an article recently that said that it’s vital to have a completely anaerobic environment in order to obtain a true lacto-ferment as opposed to just a salt cure. I am curious about your thoughts on this.

    • Stephanie, yes our air-lock system does create a truly anaerobic environment. The food-safe natural rubber gasket keeps the process air-tight, and with the air-lock allows air/gasses to escape but not enter the jar.

  2. I was just telling a friend of mine today that I wished there was something on the market like this and wondered if I could just make them. Now I don’t have too! Thank you!


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