Natural Weight Loss and Weight Management

Most of us have tried many different types of diets and they all have one thing in common, they put the body through a strain, so much so that you feel like you are die-ing. Then what happens you come off the diet, you start eating all the things your body and mind craves, presto the weight comes back on. I personally know this is true as I had issues with weight since I was a kid. After being told I was just husky and that maybe when I became an adult things would change, I grew to live with my lot in life. Never being shown the right way to eat I was in an endless cycle of weight-loss — weight-gain. Exercising did not even help break the cycle —  let my guard down for one meal or workout and pow I was back to weight gain.

I began searching, trying every diet and when I had about given up I stumbled upon a diet that is not even a diet. Finally the cycle was broken. I learned that the body has to get the correct nutrition in the right form. Suddenly it was easy to loose weight and keep it off. I tried to prove this was just some crazy thing, so I did not exercise at all to see if the weight still would come off. Guess what, it did!

Many years later the weight stayed off and now I exercise to tone my body, not to loose weight. What made the change? Learning that almost all conventional ideas on weight-loss are wrong! Learning how to correctly shop! Learning that our body when given foods in the correct manner can handle meats, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and grains. I was set free and you can be too. Once I learned the principles, I was able to even eat out at restaurants without damaging my new lifestyle.

Cooking God’s Way can show you the path and help to coach you along to your healthy lifestyle. Learn how changing a few foods and habits can contribute to a healthy lifestyle change, which changes the outward appearance once and for all. Stop counting calories and eat healthy foods so that your body can manage your weight naturally.

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