“One-Eyed Jacks” aka Egg in the Hole

Sometimes the simplest meals are the most enjoyed. Well this egg dish is no exception. It shouldn’t have, but it really did surprise me just how much my family enjoyed these eggs. It was a super hit…and for dinner none the less!

I hope you give this easy meal a-go and see how your family enjoys it. Let us know in the comments down below 🙂

  • 4 slices of sourdough bread, preferably homemade
  • 4 large eggs, farm-fresh preferred
  • unrefined sea salt and black pepper, to taste
  • butter and/or coconut oil
  • shredded cheddar cheese, optional

Butter bread slices on both sides. Cut out center of bread with a cookie cutter, biscuit cutter, or juice glass in the size of about 2.5 to 3-inches in diameter. Save the circles. Set buttered bread aside.

Lightly oil large skillet, preferably cast iron, with butter or coconut oil. Heat over medium.

When skillet is hot, place buttered bread slices in pan. Carefully crack an egg into each hole.

Cook for several minutes, until egg white is mostly set on the bottom.

Carefully flip bread over and allow the egg to cook for a few seconds to a minute or two more, depending on how you like your egg cooked. (In the skillet also toast both sides of the circles cut from the bread.)

Season eggs with salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle top with cheese if desired, serve immediately with the toasted circles (great for dipping/mopping up the delicious egg yolk).

Serves 4.

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  1. I grew up on a dairy farm in Maryland in a household of 9 siblings… we called these “Eggs in the basket”…. as they say, we lived off the land… and we did eat eggs for supper most Sunday nights after the milking was done =)

  2. Allison Bognar says

    We call them egg in a basket. And, we love them, too!

    I use a biscuit cutter to cut a sun (full round cirle) and a moon (crescent shape) out of the middle. My boys also call the cut-outs apples and bananas.

  3. We call these eggs in a nest. Kids love them.

    • Yes kids and adults too 😉

      These eggs go by many names — one eyed monsters, eggs in a nest, eggs in a hole, one eyed jacks, bullseye eggs, egg in a boat, etc. and probably even more names, but that is all I could find for now.

      For fun, everyone, comment and post what they call these eggs. (And thanks Deion for getting us started!)

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