Truth About Juicing

Have you been noticing the increased talk about juicing? Maybe you have had a juice bar open local to you? What is going on? Is it all worth it? Lets talk about the truths about juicing and cut through the hype! Why Juice? Juicing is the like eating lots of raw vegetables without all the chewing. By juicing you extract … [Read more...]

Lactose Intolerance VS. Lacto-fermentation

Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut, pickles, and other fermented foods are often called lacto-fermented vegetables. Some people think that because the word "lacto" is used it must contain some form of milk or milk product, but this is not the case, most of the time. Lacto In Lacto-fermentation? This method of … [Read more...]

How to Avoid Fall, Winter Colds & Flu with Food

We are getting out of the heat and fall is starting. For you this might not be a big deal, but for us living in Texas, I am so glad the 100+ degree days are gone!  I even got to open up the house and let some cool air in! Now that I have let off some steam so to speak, lets face some facts. Cold weather means more people … [Read more...]

Lacto-Fermenting, 3 Elephants and Betty Crocker

We are at the height of lacto-fermenting season right now, and we have been getting some emails hinting at certain questions that I call "the elephant in the room". What are elephant in the room questions? These are the questions that lots of people want to ask but don't. Often there can be many elephants, but who wants to … [Read more...]

What Is This Common Food? You Get 3 Guesses.

Today lets talk about a food that is in just about every home. Here are some hints: you have seen this food since you were a small child, it has been widely used since the 1840's, and it can be anything from meat to fruits and vegetables. Right! You guessed it, Canned Food. How does canning affect the quality, safety, … [Read more...]

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