Canola Oil: Healthy Oil or Pesticide? *UPDATED*

God never made a Canola plant, so where does Canola Oil really come from? Canola comes from the Rapeseed plant, a member of the mustard family, it was genetically engineered and developed in Canada. It should really be named "Rapeseed Oil". But who would buy that? Doesn't sound very appealing. So it was given the name … [Read more...]

Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food

Have you heard about genetically engineered foods? Well California is taking the lead in the fight over this big issue, which is called Proposition 37. Think what is happening out there on the West Coast does not affect you... well read on! What is Prop 37? Proposition 37 is about the Mandatory Labeling of Genetically … [Read more...]

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