Make Your Health Goals Last Longer Than A Week!

We have been talking about how to succeed in your new healthy eating goals. How to identify your goals and documenting where you are at currently, have been the focus of articles this week. Do You Want A Healthy Change? Start the Easy Way!, The Next Step In Your Easy Healthy Change! Many people can start their goals, but … [Read more...]

The Next Step In Your Easy Healthy Change!

Alright, you have decided that improving your health is one of your major goals for 2011! Many of you may be thinking, "I don't know what to do exactly, guess I will just eat better". But what is better? Where do I start? If you missed yesterdays article, Do You Want A Healthy Change? Start the Easy Way!, start there and … [Read more...]

Homemade “Healthy” Coconut Oil Fudge

Fudge is a favorite "sweet" treat around the holidays. But, lets face is just absolutely loaded with sugar - so it's not very good for you, to say the least. How about a much healthier option that is still 100% deliciously addictive and as a bonus you get all the wonderful benefits of coconut oil as well. I'd say … [Read more...]

“When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade.”

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.", we have all heard of that quote, but little did we know how healthy it can be for us if we take it literally. What I am saying is eat, drink, or consume them anyway you want, but get some lemon daily if you can. Lemons are rich in nutrients, just one tablespoon contains 10% … [Read more...]

“Fruitcake” Bites (Dried-Fruit Cookies)

There are those who love fruit cake and those who don't (to put it nicely). I fall into the latter of the's definitely not one of my favorites to say the least. But these cookies are really quite good. The taste is reminiscent of fruitcake, but in a good way :) These cookies are made with plenty of "natural" dried … [Read more...]

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