Hot Peppers! My Sassy, Spicy Health Secret.

Being a Texas native has some nice side affects. One being... I love hot peppers! And did you know I eat many foods with out hot peppers or hot sauce? Right now I just can't think of any, dang. Did you know all of that hot stuff does the body good? "How's that?" you say. Well, glad you asked, pardner! How about strong … [Read more...]

Roasted Habanero & Tomato Salsa *

This salsa is another favorite around here. YES, I know, it has Habanero's in it (one of the hottest peppers out there)... but before you go running away screaming ;) let me tell you that this salsa is NOT "Hot". In fact it's quite mild. The habanero peppers are roasted and simmered slightly in the sauce before being … [Read more...]

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