Diets Fail, Keys To Not!

The diet/health industry makes more than a billion dollars a year, every year! That is a lot of money every year. But I have one question to ask, just one. If they were really helping people wouldn't they each year make less money as more people were helped? But, each year the diet/health industry makes more money. So they … [Read more...]

Do You Want A Healthy Change? Start the Easy Way!

Wow!!! Can you believe another year is finished? Are you where you want to be in your healthy lifestyle? Well if you want to make changes this is a great time to start. With the start of a new year many make New Year's resolutions. Do you want to make this year YOUR year of change? Or make a change for your family? Ok, … [Read more...]

Eating Healthy, Just Don’t!

What is the secret to eating healthy? I see some succeed, but many fail. So how do you do it? You may get many different ideas when asking your friends; like trading out one type of food for another? Or by just not eating all fast food and junk? Skipping all wheat or dairy? Then there is the group that wants to count … [Read more...]

How Do You View Health?

Today I was reviewing my email and news feeds. In my box were some interesting articles from many large stream medical blogs, some of them even focus on a more natural approach to health. But many of them still approach health as an American would. Want to understand where I am going with all this, then look over the bullet … [Read more...]

7 Best Ways To A Healthy Lifestyle

After being asked by many clients and through emails I thought it was about time I listed the 7 best ways to get to a healthy lifestyle. Yup, the list you have been looking for that is going to change everything is at last here on Cooking God's Way. So without any more fanfare lets take a look at the … [Read more...]

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