Viruses, Immune System, Secret Improvements

Watch the news for a few minutes and you will hear about some outbreak of; Influenza, H1N1, West Nile, Enterovirus D68, AIDS, or Ebola. Wow! Stop the train... I want to get off! What is going on? Remember when we were kids? There was nothing like this happening! So what has changed? What can we do about these seemingly … [Read more...]

Why I Love Sourdough… and You Should Too!

I love Sourdough because it allows me to make all kinds of delicious (and healthy) baked goods -- such as crackers, pizzas crusts, dinner rolls, tortillas, pancakes/waffles, muffins, cupcakes, cinnamon rolls... The list goes on and on.  Just think about it... If it's a baked good, you can probably make it with … [Read more...]

7 Reasons I Will Never Stop Eating Fermented Foods

Often people ask me why I eat fermented foods. Off the top of my head I can come up with 7 reasons. You will be surprised by everything that lacto-fermented foods can do for you; increased digestion, strengthened immune system, balancing blood sugar, protecting from stress, and tasting great. Let me share them with you and … [Read more...]

3 Benefits of Sourdough

Bread! We have to admit most of us like to eat it. Heck, think about your favorite dinner and I bet it has bread or grains with it, or in it. Am I right? There are books and blogs that tell us the only way to be healthy is to remove all breads/grains from our diet forever. Just a second! When I look at pictures of people … [Read more...]

Healthy Eating = Healing

We have all read the health articles about how eating healthy helps avoid issues with disease later in life, but what about health and healing today. Let me get personal and share some of mine and my families personal experiences with maybe a friend added here or there. I hope that this article will encourage you to keep … [Read more...]

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