Diets Fail, Keys To Not!

The diet/health industry makes more than a billion dollars a year, every year! That is a lot of money every year. But I have one question to ask, just one. If they were really helping people wouldn't they each year make less money as more people were helped? But, each year the diet/health industry makes more money. So they … [Read more...]

3 Ways Fermented Foods Help Lose Weight!

Fermented foods can help you lose weight! Yes, many fermented foods that you can make in your own home can be a big part of the puzzle when it comes to getting that weight under control. You can enjoy sauerkraut, carrots, and pickles as part of a balanced meal plan. How can you lose weight by just eating some fermented … [Read more...]

Amazing Foods You Must Have

Did you know there are amazing foods that you can eat today that can make a difference in your life. I know that is a big sounding statement that kinda sounds sales like, but what if it is actually true. Would you make a change to gain a longer life, lose weight, help your skin look better, have more energy, and just feel … [Read more...]

Hot Peppers! My Sassy, Spicy Health Secret.

Being a Texas native has some nice side affects. One being... I love hot peppers! And did you know I eat many foods with out hot peppers or hot sauce? Right now I just can't think of any, dang. Did you know all of that hot stuff does the body good? "How's that?" you say. Well, glad you asked, pardner! How about strong … [Read more...]

Weight-loss, Sports Vitamins, & Water – Seeds?

I can't say enough about how much I enjoy chia seeds mixed in with my yogurt every morning. Or how about added to a quick chocolate shake to hold you for hours, and aid in weight-loss? Yes, I am talking about the ch-ch-ch-chia pet seeds... that old product many of us have seen as kids. But if you knew what I know, you might … [Read more...]

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