Secret Of How To Eat Fermented Foods Daily

We hear about how healthy fermented foods are, but how do we get these foods into our daily meal plan? I hear people tell me all the time, "I just can't eat sauerkraut another day in a row"! Guess what I agree, eating the same foods everyday and week-in and week-out can wear out any healthy eating plan. People like variety … [Read more...]

Lactose Intolerance VS. Lacto-fermentation

Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut, pickles, and other fermented foods are often called lacto-fermented vegetables. Some people think that because the word "lacto" is used it must contain some form of milk or milk product, but this is not the case, most of the time. Lacto In Lacto-fermentation? This method of … [Read more...]

The Second Step To Better Health

So you've decided that you want to go beyond just taking some probiotics and supplements, The First Step To Better Health, and real health is what you are on track to find. The second step to better health just requires some planning. Great thing is, planning is nothing new, we plan what we are going to do each week. Now … [Read more...]

4 Unknown Benefits Of Fermented Foods

Let me share with you 4 mostly unknown benefits of traditional fermented / lacto fermented foods. Some people already understand that fermented foods can help with digestive problems. In fact today more doctors are telling us that we can't completely eliminate digestive problems unless we improve the number of beneficial … [Read more...]

Heart Attacks, Probiotics, Fermented Foods and Cholesterol!

Who would have thought you might be able to eat your way out of a heart attack! Guess that adds a new idea of "eat your heart out." Lets look at some facts and then get into the great news! Cardiovascular disease is the #1 killer of men and women in America, and over 831,000 people die of cardiovascular disease each year in … [Read more...]

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