The Story Behind Cooking God’s Way

If you don’t do something about your health… you will continue to have issues that will kill you overtime. This is what I was told by the doctors.

Shannon and I have decided that we would like to share with you how Cooking God’s Way created a lifestyle for us that grew and became our mission to the world. Here is the story behind Cooking God’s Way.

I had always had an issue with weight. Only when I worked out on a very regular basis would I keep myself in shape. Running had become my sport of choice and I even ran some 5k and 10K races. Then I reached the 40 year mark and it seemed that no matter what I did I could not keep the weight off, no matter how much I ran or watched what I ate.

Drawn deeper into that endless hole of depression I gained over 60 pounds in less than 2 years. Now blood pressure issues were showing up along with various other health issues. What a trap I had fallen into and from what I saw there was no way out. I knew there was a natural way to get my health back, but after looking for nearly 3 years I had not found anything that worked.

We ate what we understood to be healthy…

whole wheat, some veggies, watched the fats–all that we are told to do by the doctors and main stream health systems. Shannon had started to show signs of health issues, she was experiencing digestion problems brought on by the stress of having to cope with my issues. Slowly our family was degrading, the kids got sick more often, things just were not going very well.

One day it turned around. A friend who is a Chiropractor and who understands the true foundations of health… proper nervous system, nutrition, toxicity, exercise, mental well-being ( asked me what I was doing about my various issues. I asked him what he could tell me, he informed me that I had what he termed as dummy disease, it was so easy to fix my health issues that if I didn’t I was a dummy. He shared with me a book on a healing diet that was very different from what we thought was a healthy diet. Being on the ropes so to speak I decided to share it with Shannon and see what she thought.

Shannon accepted the idea… and started following the recipes in the book I was given. Soon she discovered that the recipes were not tested completely and they did not exactly win any prizes. Realizing if the family was to stay on this new diet she would have to redo the recipes into foods that could be enjoyed. Shannon has always been very deep into cooking making all of our meals at home with very little fast food involved in our lives. But she had never completely re-done a diet menu.

After studying the diet concepts she dove in full force. Suddenly we were eating a completely different way than we had all our lives. We were eating like our Great Great Grand Parents and to our amazement health was the reward. I started losing weight easy. Over the next four months I lost over 50 pounds and was not hungry, this was not a diet, it was a great new lifestyle. Shannon’s health improved and her issues disappeared. On top of all this our kids were not getting sick anymore.

Wow, we had been set free!!!

After experiencing such change in our lives we knew we could not keep this to ourselves it had to be shared. Cooking God’s Way was born and so began our health adventure. Our duty began, we owed it to people to help share what we were living and experiencing. I left my private company to work with this doctor and study the natural health field. Along this time Shannon kept developing new recipes based on our adjusted health lifestyle and suddenly we had a recipe blog/website that was growing. Shannon asked me to start writing and help with more of website duties last Christmas.

Suddenly Cooking God’s Way caught on and started gaining in popularity. We were getting comments about how lives were being changed. Wow, it was wonderful how our God was blessing the blog/website, the stats each month were listing countries we had only read about and others we didn’t even know existed. Most of all, the comments from around the world touched our hearts and helped us to know we had to keep going with Cooking God’s Way.

Coming Next… What  Cooking God’s Way is doing now and what the near future holds for you the readers.

Later… Jeff & Shannon

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Disclaimer: The information in this post is meant for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. None of the opinions are meant to diagnose or treat any disease or illness. You should always consult your healthcare provider.

About Jeff

Jeff Pearce is a board certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant and has coached hundreds of people in the Dallas/Fort Worth to help them achieve their health goals. If you would like more information about his services view the Health Consultations section. For those not in the physical area Distance Coaching is an option. A 15 minute "No Cost" informational consult is available, by phone, to chat and answer questions about services. To schedule your no cost informational consultation please contact us .

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