Yogurt Panna Cotta *

Panna Cotta, Italian for “cooked cream”, is a wonderfully simple dessert that is easy to prepare yet so delicious. This version puts a twist on the classic Italian treat by using yogurt for the “healthy” probiotics they contain (and no one will even know). You can make it as decadent and rich as you like by replacing some or all of the milk with cream. Top the panna cotta with blueberry sauce, fresh berries, or other fruit to suit your taste or the season.

The panna cotta can be made a day or two ahead, so it works great as a dessert to serve at dinner parties or other get-togethers. You can make it in just about any container, from ramekins to custards cups or even little dessert or wine glasses work beautifully as well.

Add 1/3 cup of the cold milk (or cream) to a small bowl and sprinkle gelatin evenly over top. Set aside to let soften “bloom” for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile heat remaining 1 cup milk (or cream) and stevia powder over medium heat until milk is steamy and stevia is dissolved. (No need to boil the milk, just get it really hot.)

Pour softened gelatin mixture into the hot steamy milk. Stir to combine; continue stirring until all of the gelatin is dissolved.

Remove from heat and allow the mixture to cool, stirring occasionally, until it reaches a temperature of 118F (this is so we do not kill the yogurt when we add it).

Once your milk mixture reaches 118F add the yogurt and vanilla extract, stirring well to incorporate.

Pour a scant 1/2 cup into 4-5 ramekins/custard cups (or other container you wish). Transfer to fridge and let chill at least 4 hours or overnight before serving.

To serve you may eat directly out of the container or run a thin knife around the edge of the panna cotta and flip it onto a dessert plate…your choice. Enjoy!!! 😀

Serves 4 to 5.

Part of Pennywise Platter Thursday @The Nourishing Gourmet

*Sugar-Free / Grain-Free

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